
Friday, 31 October 2014

Fish Course: Things 12 & 13

He aha te kai ō te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero

What is the food of chiefs?. It is knowledge, it is communication

Kia ora koutou katoa, greetings to you all, this week is all about knowledge and communication. The translation above is not by any means a direct translation, however I believe that it is an appropriate one, kōrero in this context is not just about speaking, it is about being an active participant in the conversation, which includes listening, questioning, and taking on board any ideas or concepts from the information that is being shared.

Thing 12 is about making and sharing presentations and videos at the bottom of this post you will see the powerpoint presentation (now on slideshare) that I gave for my very first conference workshop entitled "Breaking the Barriers".  I am hoping to change the presentation on a regular basis, maybe monthly. I do however believe that more important than the presentation was the discussion and notes from each of the questions which I will post soon.