This week is my first post without the excellent framework provided by CreATE. I guess first things first congratulations to all the 23 Things "Crew" we made it! Major congratulations to Lucen Liu who won the iPad Mini
I am sure that it will be well used especially with some of the new tools and applications that we have all learned how to use.
I was trolling through the internet when I saw this site about Your research message from Cambridge University, its basically a blurb about some of the courses that they run however what caught my attention was the exercise.
Participants had to explain to a general public audience in less than 75 words what their research was about.
the reason it caught my eye was it reminded me of a colleague asking me the title of my research report for my MIS (Libs)
I knew I was in trouble when I couldn't quite remember it myself and watched his eyes glaze over as I read
My answer
"Where are all the Māori?"
elicited a
"now that's something I would read"
I challenge those who are researching to consider doing this exercise even if you don't have the opportunity to actually present it to the general public. Consider using it as a tool to further enhance your writing and your presentation skills. I would also have a look at the Your Research Message handout for some handy tips. Here is my try...
While working at a large University Library that had books for three faculties with high Māori student numbers I noticed that I wasn't seeing many Māori students and asked myself:
- Where are all the Māori?
- Why Aren't they using the library?
- Where are they getting their resources from?
I used a theorist called Pierre Bourdieu and a framework based on Māori values called Kaupapa Māori Theory.
(66 Words)
Let me know what you think, and if you like post your own attempt as a comment below or a link to your own blog.
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