
Troy Tuhou: Post-23 Things blogging

Kia ora tātou katoa, greetings to you all

This week is my first post without the excellent framework provided by CreATE. I guess first things first congratulations to all the 23 Things "Crew" we made it! Major congratulations to Lucen Liu who won the iPad Mini 

iPad mini with Retina display by masatsu, on Flickr

Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License   by  masatsu 

I am sure that it will be well used especially with some of the new tools and applications that we have all learned how to use. 

I was trolling through the internet when I saw this site about Your research message from Cambridge University, its basically a blurb about some of the courses that they run however what caught my attention was the exercise. 

Participants had to explain to a general public audience in less than 75 words what their research was about. 

the reason it caught my eye was it reminded me of  a colleague asking me the title of my research report for my MIS (Libs) 

I knew I was in trouble when I couldn't quite remember it myself and watched his eyes glaze over as I read 

Gumby Yawns by Stewf, on Flickr

Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License   by  Stewf 
in Aotearoa New Zealand

He looked at me glazed eyed and said 
"so whats it about?!" 
My answer 
"Where are all the Māori?" 
elicited a 
"now that's something I would read" 

I challenge those who are researching to consider doing this exercise even if you don't have the opportunity to actually present it to the general public. Consider using it as a tool to further enhance your writing and your presentation skills. I would also have a look at the Your Research Message handout for some handy tips. Here is my try...

While working at a large University Library that had books for three faculties with high Māori student numbers I noticed that I wasn't seeing many Māori students and asked myself:

  • Where are all the Māori?
  • Why Aren't they using the library?
  • Where are they getting their resources from?
I used a theorist called Pierre Bourdieu and a framework based on Māori values called Kaupapa Māori Theory. 
(66 Words) 

Let me know what you think, and if you like post your own attempt as a comment below or a link to your own blog.

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