Ko ia kāhore nei i rapu, tē kitea
"He who does not seek will not find"
I may have botched my blog up as I thought I would try and incorporate my love of food and eating by giving the blog posts course names, however there are only so many courses that are possible. A colleague suggested that you need something to differentiate your blog from the thousands of other blogs, to do this I thought I would like to start each post or group of "Things" with a whakatauki or māori proverb.
I chose the proverb above because I have searched this week for a blog to follow and for "Thing 4" I have to convince the rest of the "23 Things" crew why they should choose to follow it as well.
Being relatively new to blogging I have to admit that at this point in time I am not a regular reader of any blog however I have found one thanks to the power of Google.
The Association of College and Research Libraries blog is of interest to myself obviously because I am a Subject Librarian for an academic institute, actually I have worked in a tertiary library for almost 10 years I honestly think that it will be of interest to some of you as well.
With a brief 20 minute look I have found the following things which may make this blog attractive to you also.
- Ease of navigation using the normal search functionality by clicking on the magnifying glass and typing in keywords as well as Categories and Tags
- Content: the posts cover a wide range of topics from Academia through to Wikipedia. I have found posts on Publishing and other subjects and themes of interest to any researcher.
- Offers examples of academic posts such as this one for conference blogging for those of us who attend and present at conferences.
- There are multiple authors which means different writing styles, which means there is a variety of voice to the posts and also expertise.
Thing 5 to come