Thing 2: Online Security
Security hmmm I was so shocked by how terrible one of my passwords was that I had to tweet about it, and I keep finding my self drawn to checking how secure my passwords are its quite fun but disturbing at the same time.
I watched the video and it was interesting and discouraging. I am sure you have all felt the pain of selecting a password and then being told it must have an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, or a punctuation symbol, you finally incorporate the needed elements press enter and the final straw Your password must be between 4 and 8 characters long frustration took over and I actually used number 2 of the 25 Worst Passwords and yes I did eventually change it to one that is not on the list.
I agree, Troy. The password thing was indeed worrying. So many of the passwords that we get prompted to provide (e.g. only 6 or 8 letters etc) are actually not very secure. That's pretty bad.