
Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Hors d'oeuvres

Ko ia kāhore nei i rapu, tē kitea
"He who does not seek will not find"

Now on to "Thing 5", I was never really sure exactly what and how I would use RSS feeds. I have had a tutu with them using Outlook my work email which allow us to subscribe to RSS feeds, that seems a long time ago and I had not thought about news feeds until this thing. 

So far I think the trick, for me to use social media successfully for research is discipline. I like routine so if I start by allocating time directly after checking emails to blog writing and feed scanning after a short while it will become second nature. 

For management of news and  information I have a love of folders, although I haven't looked at the RSS feeds since I subscribed to them, I still have them organised in folders. I have also organised my bookmarks (in Explorer) into folders and as you can see below, some even have sub-folders (must be the librarian in me)

Before I finish with this "Thing" I wanted to share a page relevant for those who use Google Chrome browser and Feedly. I added the RSS Subscription extension (For Google Chrome browser) a suggestion at the bottom of "thing 5"  and found I had to add Feedly manually to the list of feed readers. Follow the link if you would like to use Feedly with RSS Subscription extension  from the Google Chrome browser. There is also the Feedly mini extension made for Google Chrome browser however I haven't bothered with this one as the instructions to add Feedly to the News reader were quite easy to follow.

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